Potoweet : How I learned to stop worrying and love Theology

It is either SOLI DEO GLORIA or HOMO MENSURA ( man is the measure of all things )…." The battle of the Gods "…The True God vs the pagan deities fabricated in the minds of men…Calvin said the mind is idolatrum fabriculum….Most people miss the true reason for the Reformation…it was idolatry….The RC system is idolatrous and promotes little god substitutes ( John called them " anti-christs NOT THE Anti-Christ )…anti means : " in place of "….the church in the dark ages was so corrupted by pagan practices it transmogrified into the monstrous church-state entity that ruled Europe with the iron fist of intolerance and religious inspired hatred….There was NO Arminianism( YES,semi-pelagianism ) until Dordrecht defined it with its counter arguments against the Remonstrants…It was quite political btw…we moderns tend to stay ensconced in our post-modern reverie defining what democratic governments are…this is anachronistic and quite short-sighted….most Calvinists don’t seem to know much at all about church history, biblical theology, systematic theology or anything deep about their most holy faith but will sadly prattle on like gossiping old biddies, not knowing whereof they speak in its proper theological & historical perspective…All is deconstructed to reductio ad absurdum, ad hominum, ad baculum, ad nauseum, ad infinitum persiflage….facebook is a woefully inadequate forum for in depth study and discussion. The inchoate nature is an ample illustration of McLuhan’s journalistic apothegm : " The medium is the message "…..and so it is & as Vonnegut wrote…and so it goes. Potoweet! Shalom.

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